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Joinrs srl manages and owns Joinrs, a platform (website and mobile app) designed to provide a variety of services aimed at improving the overall academic and professional experience of its users.

Joinrs has developed a digital platform available via web and on the mobile application ("Joinrs App"), aimed at offering study tools and promoting the intersection between supply and demand for work. Users looking for work can submit their applications by entering their personal data and any work skills and/or acquired experiences, using the available online forms and optionally attaching their Curriculum Vitae ("CV") and a photo to their user profile. The purpose of publishing photos is to precisely identify the candidate compared to other web users and improve their curriculum vitae. The possibility of including a photo on Joinrs does not replace other Internet services such as personal pages, photo sharing sites, etc. Joinrs recommends that curriculum photos be personal and of quality.

In providing its services, Joinrs disseminates data provided by users. All users have access to a control panel, for which they are fully responsible for the data and other information displayed on the portal. Despite Joinrs providing its services with due care and attention, it is unable to verify and guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or correctness of the information, nor will it be responsible for any errors (including manifest and typographical errors), service interruptions (whether due to temporary failures and/or partial repairs, updates or maintenance of the website or otherwise), inaccurate, misleading or false information, or their failure to complete. Each operator is responsible at all times for the accuracy, completeness, and correctness of the information (descriptive).

Users, visitors, and anyone using (the "Portal") are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth below, as well as the related Privacy Policy. In this document, we refer generally to you ("You/User") as anyone using the Portal and, after the first visit, who has started using the services and functions provided therein, thus confirming acceptance of these terms and conditions of use.

You must be at least 18 years old or older to register on the Portal: Joinrs will not accept registrations from minors, nor is it able to monitor the behavior of its registered users. Users (defined below) who register as minors do so at their own personal risk, and Joinrs will not accept any responsibility in this regard, reserving the right to take any appropriate action and/or, in general, against illegal activities on the website and the Portal.

To register a user account on Joinrs, you will be asked to provide "Personal Information" such as username, password, email address, month and year of birth, and other personal identification information in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which you should read before completing the registration and which you must accept in order to register with Joinrs and print for future reference. The user must not share with Joinrs or with Joinrs’s clients or collaborators any sensitive and/or judicial data within the meaning of Article 4, paragraph 1, letters d) and e) of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003. Users who, in exceptional cases, in relation to specific job opportunities or searches, need to communicate sensitive and/or judicial data to Joinrs, must provide such data only with prior express written consent, in accordance with specific provisions.

1. Definitions

  • "Portal": the website at the URL, the Joinrs app or any other URL where Joinrs srl chooses to provide the service as communicated to Users from time to time.
  • "User": a User of the Portal, registered, who has successfully completed the registration procedure; generally understood as a student/graduate user looking for information on academic or work-related issues. The term is also used to refer to recruiters or employers as defined below.
  • "Content/s": all content on the Portal, including trademarks, service marks, and logos, including software and HTML/Flash code and any other type of code used on the website.
  • "Job Postings": all content published by a Recruiter or Employer profile that presents a job position or for hiring purposes.
  • "Recruiter or Employer or employer": a User of the Portal, registered, who advertises their job offers and workplace to the public.

2. Access to the Portal

  1. To access all the features of the Portal, you will need to register and activate a User Account. You are not allowed to use another User’s Account. During the registration of your account, we ask you to provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activities that take place on your account, so you must keep your account credentials secure; otherwise, you will be responsible for any activity on your account using your login information. You can change your password at any time. Furthermore, you agree to immediately notify Joinrs of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other security breach you may encounter. Joinrs will not be liable for any losses or damages resulting from your failure to comply with this Section 2, nor will it be liable for unauthorized access or violations or any other events arising from User behavior. Additionally, Joinrs may, at its sole discretion, decide to terminate and/or suspend any User Account, even without notice, if it deems it necessary to protect its business interests and/or for similar reasons and/or if ordered to do so by any competent Authority.
  2. You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including, but not limited to, "robots," "spiders," "form fillers," or similar technological devices or programs that access the Portal in such a way as to send a series of request messages to Joinrs’s servers in a time period greater than what a human could reasonably produce in the same period using a normal online web browser. Notwithstanding the above, Joinrs may grant public search engine operators permission to use spiders to copy materials from the Portal solely for the purpose of creating publicly searchable indexes of the materials. However, Joinrs reserves the full right to revoke such exceptions in general or in specific cases, at its sole discretion.
  3. Joinrs allows you to link your User Account to your Facebook account or other social network accounts ("SNS"). When you create a linked account, you can access the SNS and automatically log into the Portal at the same time, and the profile name and image will be the same as the linked SNS, but you can always change the name or profile image on the Portal. Joinrs is not responsible for the operation or functionality of any SNS. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook Meta.
  4. You agree that Joinrs, within the scope of its business purposes, has the absolute right and authorization to use your name, voice, image, as well as representations made by you, on any media, worldwide, for the purposes of advertising, promotion, reporting, and distribution of information about the company or the company’s business activity.
  5. After registering as a User, Joinrs grants you permission to use the Portal as set forth in these Terms and Conditions, provided that:
    - You will not copy, alter, or distribute any part of the Portal or the Content in any form without the prior written authorization of Joinrs;
    - You will not use any third-party software, code, or hardware to alter or modify any part of the Portal and/or its underlying mechanisms.
  6. If you do not agree with any part of this document and/or the related Privacy Policy, you should immediately discontinue using the Portal and you are not authorized to register. If you have already registered, you should contact Joinrs and request the immediate removal of your invalid account. The use of the Portal in violation of this Section 2 will compel Joinrs to terminate your account and/or take any necessary legal action.

3. User Profile and Curriculum

3.1. After registering on the Portal, the User can optionally attach a curriculum vitae ("Curriculum") to apply for job offers. The data and information contained in the attached Curriculum will be processed in accordance with applicable privacy regulations and in compliance with the specific provisions of the Privacy Policy available on the website. Such personal data and information may be used by Joinrs and third-party companies solely for purposes related to these User Terms of Service and Joinrs’s Privacy Policy. The User has the right to access personal data, obtain updates or corrections in case of inaccuracies, and request deletion. In the latter case, Joinrs will automatically delete the information without the need for further confirmation. The user can remove their account and related data at any time through the profile settings page. These rights are exercised through the configuration of the web/app page.

3.2. The data and information included in the CV submitted when the User applies for a job offer will be processed by Joinrs and third-party companies for recruitment purposes in compliance with applicable privacy regulations and according to Joinrs’s specific Privacy Policy. In the event that the data and information included in the User’s Curriculum are not sufficient for Joinrs to provide recruitment services, Joinrs reserves the right to request additional information from the User to complete their profile. Joinrs cannot transfer any data provided by the User to third parties, except for Joinrs’s clients and partners, solely for recruitment purposes. The User is aware that in the event of a lack of express consent to disclose their data to Joinrs’s client companies for recruitment purposes, Joinrs may not be able to provide the service. Furthermore, candidates expressly authorize Joinrs to access their personal information in order to inform them about specific job offers suitable for their professional profile.

3.3. Following the creation of the User Account and based on the information provided by the User regarding education, experience, and professional requirements, the User will be contacted by potential employers or directly by Joinrs, through the email address provided by the User to Joinrs at the time of registration, or via the contact details present in the CV uploaded by the user. The User also authorizes Joinrs to send via email and other means notices and news about Joinrs’s clients, in addition to the newsletter, job tips, job opportunities, reports and trends on job opportunities, online experiences, and other job or training opportunities. The User can request to unsubscribe from the service at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter option.

3.4. Since Joinrs only provides the digital platform and related services, Joinrs cannot be held responsible for the content of any communications sent to Users by potential employers and vice versa, including attached files, images, and photos, which are completely beyond Joinrs’s control.

3Bis - Employer Profile and Use of the Employer Account with particular reference to job postings:

Job postings must not contain hyperlinks other than those specifically authorized, illegible or "hidden" keywords, names, logos, or trademarks of non-affiliated companies without prior authorization from Joinrs, more than one job or job description, inaccurate, false, or misleading information; and material or links to material that exploits people sexually, violently, or otherwise, or that requires personal information from people under the age of 18.

As an employer, you are not allowed to use your job posting (or online experience) on Joinrs to publish or promote job advertisements:

(1) in a manner that is not in compliance with applicable local, national, and international laws, including but not limited to laws relating to employment and labor, equal employment opportunities, and employment eligibility requirements, data privacy, data access and use, and intellectual property;

(2) that require citizenship of a particular country or legal permanent residence in a country as a condition of employment, unless otherwise required to comply with federal, state, or local laws, regulations, executive orders, or government contracts;

(3) that require the candidate to provide information relating to: (i) race or ethnic origin (ii) political beliefs (iii) philosophical or religious beliefs (iv) membership of a trade union (v) physical or mental health (vi) sex life (vii) commission of offenses or criminal proceedings or (vii) age, except as permitted by applicable law.

(4) that include requirements or screening criteria that are not current and legal;

(5) with reference to profiles, aimed at determining the suitability of a consumer for: (i) credit or insurance for personal, family, or household purposes; (ii) employment; or (iii) a license or governmental benefit;

(6) aimed at selling, promoting, or advertising products or services;

(7) aimed at endorsing a particular political party, political agenda, political position, or issue;

(8) aimed at promoting a particular religion;

(9) aimed at publishing business opportunities that require upfront or periodic payment or require the recruitment of other members, sub-distributors, or sub-agents;

(10) aimed at publishing business opportunities that involve only commission-based compensation, unless the job posting clearly states that the available job involves only commission-based compensation and clearly describes the product or service that the job seeker would be selling;

(11) aimed at requiring the use of human body parts or the donation of human body parts, including, but not limited to, reproductive services such as egg donation and surrogacy;

(12) aimed at advertising sexual services or seeking employees for sexual jobs

(13) for competitors of Joinrs or that contain links to any competing Joinrs site;

Joinrs reserves the right to remove any job posting or content from any Joinrs site that, in its reasonable discretion, is not in compliance with the above Terms.

If at any time during the use of Joinrs’s Services, you have provided false information to Joinrs or otherwise misled Joinrs regarding the nature of your business activities, Joinrs will have the right to terminate your use of Joinrs’s Services.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

4.1. The Content available on the Portal is owned by Joinrs, protected by copyright, registered as intellectual property, or otherwise licensed to Joinrs and generally protected by intellectual property rights as provided in Article 4. The Content includes Joinrs’s registered intellectual property protected by International Treaties. It may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcasted, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any purpose without the prior written consent of Joinrs or as expressly provided herein. Joinrs reserves all rights not expressly granted in the Portal and all relevant Content.

4.2. The content is owned by the respective owners, and their intellectual property rights are managed by the User who uploaded them to the Portal; any relevant violation will be reported to the User who made the upload using the contact procedures available on the Portal.

4.3. Joinrs reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to monitor, modify, prohibit, or remove any content at any time and without notice for any reason. This right of Joinrs does not imply in any context the obligation of Joinrs to monitor the accuracy and quality of the content.

4.4. All sections and content of the Portal may be subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under Italian laws, including Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, and Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005.

4.5. Each User agrees that by uploading any content, they grant Joinrs an unlimited license to freely use any text, data, photographs, renderings, designs, maps, technical specifications, videos, sounds, messages, and any other element protected by intellectual property rights, published, provided that author attribution is indicated and the material is protected by copyright. The license extends to the use of Joinrs’s promotional materials, including the website, marketing material, and electronic and printed advertising. The license applies from the date content is uploaded and continues for a period of 6 months after the removal of the content.

4.6. You agree not to engage in the use, copying, or distribution of any Content other than as expressly permitted herein, including, but not limited to, any use, copying, or distribution thereof, for any purpose to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. User behavior must comply with Italian law and regulations and any other applicable law/jurisdiction. Actions (copying, downloading, printing, transcoding, creating derivative works, etc.) that are not expressly permitted by providing dedicated functions in the Portal are expressly prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

4.7 All rights, titles, and interests in relation to the Website and the App, including, but not limited to, its software or HTML code and other computer code contained in both the back-end and front-end components of the Website, the Website itself, the user interface, text, graphics, scripts, photographs, images, designs, audiovisual materials, codes, software, algorithms, and any other material that in any way is part of the Website and the Digital Platform (collectively, "Joinrs Content") are owned by Joinrs and/or its licensors, if applicable, except for any data, information, internet accounts, logos, and trade names provided by the User and Joinrs’s client companies, each of which will remain the owner of such intellectual properties, which may be used by Joinrs, royalty-free for Users and third-party companies, for recruitment purposes and promotion of client companies.

5. Content

5.1. Users can participate by uploading their Content in the space provided by the Portal.

5.2. The Content, including, but not limited to, any text, data, photographs, renderings, designs, models, maps, technical specifications, videos, sounds, messages, properly described and indexed files, or other material uploaded by Users, is the intellectual property of the User who publishes the Content and is not directly or indirectly endorsed by Joinrs; Joinrs does not provide any express or implied warranty, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, regarding the reliability, accuracy, quality, or feasibility of any Content present on the Portal. The Content remains solely and exclusively the responsibility of the User who uploaded the Content.

5.3. The User who uploads the Content declares to be the sole author and exclusive owner of the Content.

5.4. The User warrants (i) the enjoyment of the granted rights, including those related to the title of the Content and (ii) that the Content does not violate the rights of third parties or any applicable criminal law. The User agrees to indemnify Joinrs from any liability for damages caused to third parties by their possible lack of rights to the Content and any claims by third parties (including professors of the lessons the User has attended) who consider the content as prejudicial to their image, copyright, and/or intellectual property.

5.5. In the event of disputes over the ownership of the rights granted to Joinrs and/or the legitimacy of the use, by Joinrs or its assignees, of the Content, the User will hold Joinrs harmless from any judicial and extrajudicial obligations or requests made by the owners of the rights to the Content. In any case, the User will reimburse Joinrs for any amount paid by Joinrs, including, among other things (but not limited to), any amount due as compensation for damages, legal expenses, financial penalties for any type of offense, or license fees paid to third parties for the use of the Content. The choice between different methods of fulfillment by the granting User is made by Joinrs (e.g., participation in a possible lawsuit or intervention and/or subsequent reimbursement of expenses incurred by Joinrs and/or any other).

5.6. If Joinrs communicates to the User, prior to the publication of the Content, the existence of a concrete risk of disputes regarding the use of the same titles, the Parties undertake to discuss in good faith and consider any possible alternatives. Based on the outcome of the discussion between the Parties, if Joinrs believes that the title chosen by the User may still constitute a violation of intellectual property rights or other rights of other parties and the User does not agree to modify it, the Content will be rejected by Joinrs.

5.7. Users understand that Joinrs’s service is not intended, aimed at, or to be used as a tool or system to organize, negotiate, or mediate for professional assignments. You understand and agree that Joinrs acts solely as an interface to facilitate communications between users and other companies. Joinrs will suspend any account in which such practices occur and will not credit any related amounts. Joinrs does not provide services falling within the definitions of Article 1754 of the Italian Civil Code.

5.8. Joinrs may delete any Content at its sole discretion, in whole or in part, if it receives reports/complaints/orders and/or if it deems it appropriate to protect the Portal and/or for other reasons.

5.9. Joinrs does not accept any responsibility for the academic degrees and/or professional qualifications of the Users of the Portal, which may not always be independently verified at the local association in the event that a Portal user deems it necessary to make a decision where the certainty of this type of information is relevant.

6. Use of Content

6.1. By uploading the CV Content to the Portal, the User also agrees to allow employers to view and access such Content in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

6.2. The Content may be viewed and downloaded by regularly registered employers on the Portal according to the specific terms and conditions to which they have access, not for profit.

6.3. Furthermore, you agree that Joinrs is free to use any idea or concept contained in any User Content for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development, production, and marketing of products and services; and the creation of informational articles, without any payment of any kind to you.

7. User Responsibility for Content

7.1. The User assumes full responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of any Content entered and ensures that the Content is not contrary to mandatory provisions and does not violate any trademark rights, intellectual and industrial property rights, image rights, or other rights of third parties arising from relevant legal provisions or customs or practices.

7.2. The User assumes all responsibility regarding the Content and its legitimacy, with specific reference to the absence of forms and/or contents of child pornography, pornography, obscene, blasphemous, or defamatory material.

7.3. The User agrees to use the Portal Services exclusively for lawful purposes permitted by the applicable law in force, customs, and diligent practices, without prejudice to the rights of third parties, media users or not, with particular attention to data protection regulations, laws on the protection of intellectual and industrial property, and telecommunications.

7.4. In any case, the User, substantially and procedurally, protects Joinrs from any damage related to the Content and its dissemination, undertaking to indemnify Joinrs from any loss, damage, liability, cost, including legal expenses, arising from any breach of obligations undertaken through these Terms and Conditions in relation to the use of internet services carried out by the User.

7.5. In no event and for no reason shall Joinrs be liable to the User for the Content and for any errors and/or omissions therein, or for any damages suffered as a result of the use of the transmitted or distributed Content.

7.6. Joinrs, among other things, represents a meeting point between (i) employers who publish job opportunities and seek and evaluate potential candidates and (ii) candidates who publish CVs and profiles and seek and evaluate job opportunities. Joinrs does not filter or censor listings, including offered profiles. Joinrs is not involved in or controls the actual communications between employers and candidates. Joinrs is not involved in any negotiations that should take place between employers and candidates. Consequently, Joinrs is not responsible for User Content, the quality, safety, or legality of job offers or CVs published, the truthfulness or accuracy of the published items, the employer’s ability to offer job opportunities to potential candidates, or the candidates’ ability to fill job positions. Joinrs does not guarantee job offers, CVs, or User Content on the Portal. While reserving the right to periodically and at its discretion remove User Content, job postings, CVs, or other material from the Portal, Joinrs is under no obligation to do so and, to the extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability arising from the failure to perform such actions.

8. Links, Content, and Third-Party Applications

8.1. There may be links from the Services or communications you receive from the Services to third-party websites or online features. The Services may also include third-party content that we do not control, maintain, or endorse. These links are provided solely for the convenience of the User; Joinrs does not endorse the content of these third-party websites. Joinrs is not responsible for the content of affiliated third-party websites and does not guarantee the content or accuracy of materials on these websites. If the User decides to access linked third-party websites, such access will be at their sole and total responsibility.

8.2. The functionality of the Services may also allow interactions between the Services and a third-party website or online feature, including applications that link the Services or your profile on the Services to a third-party website. For example, the Services may include a button that allows you to indicate on your social networking page that you "like" a specific product on the Services, or a feature that allows you to post a link to a specific product on your social networking page or share content from the Services or your user-generated content with a third party, which may be publicly posted on that third party’s website. To use this functionality, it is typically necessary to log in to your account on the third-party website. We do not control any of these third-party websites or their content. Neither Joinrs nor its service providers are responsible for the practices of any third party. Therefore, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we make no representations or warranties about the completeness, accuracy, or existence of any advertising, product, or other materials on third-party websites or online features and that your reliance on any such materials is at your own risk. YOUR CORRESPONDENCE AND BUSINESS DEALINGS WITH THIRD PARTIES FOUND THROUGH THE SERVICES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE PAYMENT AND DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AND ANY TERMS, CONDITIONS, WARRANTIES, AND REPRESENTATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH DEALINGS, ARE SOLELY BETWEEN YOU AND THE THIRD PARTY.

9. Payment and Fees

Users seeking job opportunities do not pay any fees to browse content, view and participate in online experiences, apply for job offers, and for any other appropriate use of the portal in general.

9.1. As an employer on the platform, however, you agree that Joinrs may impose an annual fee discussed with its sales team and pre-agreed by you, for the use of the Portal and the available technological infrastructure on and

10. Invoicing

The billing terms between Joinrs and client companies are defined with the employers (and their authorized offices or personnel) when subscribing to the annual agreement.

11. Joinrs discount codes, bonuses, coupons, loyalty programs, points programs, and other promotions

11.1. From time to time, Joinrs may offer discounts, bonuses, coupons, loyalty programs, points programs, contests, or other promotional incentives. These incentives usually have specific rules, restrictions, and limitations (e.g., limitations on when, how often, and under what circumstances you may be eligible for the promotion). You are responsible for carefully reviewing and complying with these applicable rules, restrictions, and limitations. You agree not to engage in fraudulent operations, collusion, splitting operations (defined as splitting large orders or sales transactions into multiple individual transactions in order to obtain discounts or multiple payments), or manipulate or otherwise defraud the system. By participating in such promotions, you agree to be bound by the applicable rules and restrictions, and Joinrs, at its sole discretion, may deny payment or benefits to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law (e.g., when it believes improper activity has occurred or when a code has expired). All promotions may expire at any time without notice to recipients. Discounts apply only to the actual cost of renting or purchasing the base product/service; they do not apply to taxes, shipping fees, extension or late fees, or other additional charges (e.g., conversion fees at purchase).

12. User Warranties and Liability

12.1. The use of this service is entirely at your own risk, and you assume full and sole responsibility for it.

12.2. The User expressly waives any liability and/or claim for compensation that may arise in the event that, following a job offer, the User begins an internship and/or a professional training period that is terminated by both the employer and the User and/or that may arise in the event that the employer, at the end of the internship and/or training period, decides not to continue the relationship by entering into a different type of employment contract, regardless of the reason. The User acknowledges that Joinrs is not involved in any way in the employment decisions made by the employer and, therefore, Joinrs cannot be held responsible for any choices made by the employer.

12.3. You warrant to Joinrs that you are the exclusive owner of the rights to the content you upload to the Portal or that you have obtained the necessary authorization from the rights holders regarding the content you have entered into the Portal.

12.4. You are solely responsible for everything that is uploaded to the Portal using your ID and/or password and, in any case, for any behavior or action set through it on the Portal.

12.5. As a registered User, you agree not to post Content that is:
- pornographic, obscene, or pedophilic;
- harmful to minors in any way;
- blasphemous or offensive to morality, ethics, and any religious belief;
- contrary to public order, advocating violence or racial hatred;
- illegally held or acquired by the User (pirated software, unauthorized copies, etc.);
- advertising or promotional in favor of subjects other than the brand subject of the campaign on Joinrs on which the Content is uploaded;
- related to gambling, competitions, games that require economic participation;
- protected by copyright, whether it be audio, text, images, or video clips, without obtaining prior authorization from the rights holder;
- causing harm to third parties, particularly with regard to copyright or other intellectual and industrial property rights;
- containing viruses or other software that may damage or affect the functionality of the site;
- promoting or inducing illegal activity;
- containing uses of still or moving images of ordinary and/or famous people or referring to them without their prior authorization;
- containing misleading or comparative advertising messages, according to applicable law;
- violating, or inducing to violate, any law or regulation.

12.6. It is expressly forbidden to use the service to harm third parties in any way or to commit or facilitate any type of crime.

13. Privacy of Minors

13.1. The protection of the privacy of minors is particularly important to us. It is our policy to comply with Italian laws on this matter.

13.2. Joinrs does not operate or provide services aimed at minors and does not intentionally collect information from minors. If you find any offensive or disrespectful content towards minors on our Portal, please contact us immediately providing all the details so that we can proceed with its prompt removal.

14. Warranties and Liability of Joinrs

14.1. The Portal and all related services are offered by Joinrs to the User "as is" and "as available," without any warranty, whether direct or indirect, of any kind regarding its content and/or functionality. Therefore, Joinrs does not provide any warranty regarding the accessibility of the Portal at any time and/or place, nor does it guarantee the absence of defects and/or errors in the Portal and/or its content.

14.2. Joinrs will not be held liable for any damages that may result to you or your PC from the improper use of the Portal and the services within it.

14.3. Joinrs will be liable only when the User can effectively demonstrate that Joinrs:
(a) has engaged in intentionally harmful behavior;
(b) has acted with gross negligence;
(c) has violated any applicable law regarding liability for licensed products. Under current laws and regulations, Joinrs may be required to compensate for damages resulting from injuries to the life, physical integrity, or health of the User, provided that it is demonstrated that such events are a direct consequence of Joinrs’s behavior;
In no event shall Joinrs be liable for acts of slight negligence.

14.4. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Joinrs harmless from any claims, demands, compensation claims, or other losses, including reasonable legal fees, brought by third parties arising from your use of the Portal and/or your breach of these Terms.

14.5. In accordance with the above provisions, Joinrs shall not be liable for service interruptions due to:
- natural disasters or fortuitous events;
- tampering with the services or equipment by the User or third parties;
- improper use of the services by the User;
- malfunctioning of the connection devices used by the User, even when this is due to non-compliance with laws and regulations on safety, prevention, accidents, and industrial accidents.

14.6. Joinrs is not obliged to monitor the content circulating through the service, nor is it obliged to actively seek facts or circumstances indicating the presence of illicit activities without a specific order from a competent authority; Therefore, Joinrs is not responsible in the event of any disputes regarding the legitimacy, truthfulness, correctness, quality, originality, and authorship of the material published on the Portal and the Market Place; Joinrs will promptly take action to remove content that is clearly non-compliant with the rights of third parties as soon as it receives a direct complaint, provided with all the necessary data to assess a violation (such as: link to the offensive content, information on copyright infringement, etc.).

14.7. If Joinrs becomes aware of any unlawful or prejudicial characteristics of the Content published online by the User, it will immediately, at its discretion, remove the offensive information and/or disable access to such data.

14.8. Joinrs, in any case, will not accept liability for any violations of intellectual property rights on third-party content, as well as for any possible loss, deletion, or alteration, temporary or permanent, of the Content for any reason. Any User who contributes material to the Portal does so at their own risk and must face all the consequences of such behavior, indemnifying Joinrs to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

15. Malware and Links to Third-Party Sites

15.1. Joinrs undertakes to keep the Portal free from viruses and malware, but cannot guarantee full immunity from them. Therefore, the User must take appropriate security measures and use antivirus software to prevent viruses from being loaded onto their software. In the case of hyperlinks to third-party sites, Joinrs has no responsibility for any illegal content on such sites, nor any obligation to monitor them.

16. Indemnification

16.1. The User is obliged to indemnify Joinrs, as well as its affiliates and its representatives, agents, employees, and third parties to whom Joinrs has granted rights to the materials uploaded, from all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges, and expenses, including any reasonable legal fees that may be suffered or incurred by Joinrs as a result of any publication of Content uploaded by the User on Joinrs and/or any failure by the User to comply with the obligations and warranties provided for in this agreement and in any case connected to the use of the service, even in the event of a claim for damages by third parties.

17. Suspension of Service

17.1. Joinrs reserves the right to remove, without notice, the User’s account and any content produced and published by them that violates the conditions of these Terms and Conditions.

17.2. Removal may also occur in the case of content reported as abusive/illegal/copyright-protected by other Users or third parties to Joinrs. In such cases, Joinrs also reserves all rights to compensate for any damages caused to the User in violation, as provided for in Articles 10 and 11.

18. Account Removal for Inactivity

18.1. If the User does not use the services provided by Joinrs for a period of 24 consecutive months, Joinrs will have the right to disable their access to the site.

19. Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use

19.1. Joinrs reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time and without notice. By using the service, the User must fully accept the new conditions.

20. Termination of the Contract

20.1. Pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, this Contract may be terminated without notice in the event of a breach of the above conditions. In such case, Joinrs shall not be liable for any compensation to the User. At the same time, the User shall be liable for any losses, damages, and other compensation owed to Joinrs resulting from the breach.

21. Preservation of the Contract

21.1. If one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions are declared null or partially ineffective, the remaining provisions shall remain valid, and Joinrs shall adequately modify the Terms and Conditions.

22. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

22.1. This contract shall be governed by Italian law.

22.2. For any disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions, the Court of Rome, Italy, shall have jurisdiction.

22.3. The use of the Portal and the services offered therein is prohibited in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all the provisions of these terms and conditions, including, without limitation, this paragraph.

Under Article 1341 of the Italian Civil Code, the User has read and accepts the clauses contained in the preceding Articles.


Extended Information

  1. What is the privacy policy about?
  2. Who is the Data Controller?
  3. What Personal Data do we collect?
    1. What type of Personal Data do we process?
  4. What Personal Data do we not collect?
  5. Why do we process the user’s Personal Data?
  6. To whom are the user’s Personal Data communicated?
  7. What are the user’s rights in relation to the processing of Personal Data, how can they be exercised?
  8. How long do we keep Personal Data?
  9. What transfers can we make?
  10. How do we protect the user’s Personal Data?
  11. Deletion of services
  12. Applicable law
  13. Complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data
  1. What is the privacy policy about? This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") describes how this website ("Site") and our application ("App") manage the processing of personal data ("Personal Data" or simply "Data") of users who consult our web page and use our application. The policy is only applicable to the Site ("Site") and the Joinrs App, a brand owned by Joinrs S.r.l., and not to other websites and applications that may be consulted and used by the user. Following the consultation of this Site and the use of our App, Personal Data relating to identified or identifiable individuals may be collected. The Data will be processed in full compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and Directive 2002/58/EC ("e-privacy Directive").
  2. Who is the Data Controller? The Data Controller is Joinrs S.r.l. ("Joinrs" "We" "Company" or "Controller") with registered office at Via Marsala 29H, Rome - 00185. The Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer ("DPO" or "RPD") who can be contacted at the address
  3. What Personal Data do we collect? We collect and process Personal Data in various ways:
    • Personal Data voluntarily provided by the user: we collect personal information about the user when it is actively provided, for example when the user contacts us for immediate assistance or decides to join our community and registers on our website or downloads our App and uses our services.
    • Personal Data collected through the use of the Site and the App: we automatically collect certain personal information during the user’s navigation and use of our Site and App.
    1. What type of Personal Data do we process?
      Personal and contact information of the user interested in the services of the Controller and the recruiter:
      user’s personal information required for the completion of the form on the Site and the App for the creation of a profile, such as name and surname, email address and telephone number, current location, place of residence, date of birth, curriculum vitae and information regarding the university and post-university career.
      Personal information of the recruiter required for the completion of the form on the Site and the App.
      Location data: we may approximate the user’s location based on their IP Address.
      Automatically collected information
      When the user uses our Site or App, interacts with us through a computer or any mobile device by accessing the Site or through the App, we may automatically collect information about the user’s access and use of the Site and the App. We use this information to improve and personalize the user’s experience, to monitor and improve our services, and for other internal purposes. We generally collect this information through a variety of tracking technologies, including cookies, pixels, web beacons, embedded scripts, location identification technologies, and similar technologies (collectively, "tracking technologies").
      The user can accept and reject these technologies by modifying the privacy preference settings in the profile settings of their web browser. The information we automatically collect may be combined with other personal information that we collect directly from users.
      The information we may automatically collect includes:
      • information related to the use of the Site and the App (e.g. which website the user comes from, how many times they clicked on an object);
      • Personal Data related to interactions with our marketing communications (e.g. whether a user clicks on an image or hyperlink);
      • information about the devices used to access and interact with the Site and the App (e.g. whether a user is using a computer, our App, a tablet, or a smartphone, screen resolution, operating system, Wi-Fi connection, internet browser, and IP address, information about server log files);
      • analytical information: we may collect analytical data, or use third-party analysis tools, to help us measure traffic and usage trends of the Site and the App and to better understand our users. We process such data only for statistical purposes and in an anonymized form.
  4. What Personal Data do we not collect?
    We do not collect or process the following Personal Data relating to the user:
    • racial or ethnic origin;
    • political opinions;
    • religion or philosophical beliefs;
    • health or medical conditions;
    • criminal background;
    • membership of a trade union;
    • genetic or biometric data;
    • sexual life or orientation.
    We ask our users not to send us, and not to disclose, any Personal Data belonging to specific categories mentioned above through the Site, the App, or directly to our contacts.
  5. Why do we process the user’s Personal Data?
    If the user uses our App, Personal Data is processed for:
    1. Allowing the user to register for the Joinrs App
      We may process the user’s Data to allow them to register on our App, so that they can use Joinrs services. By clicking on the "Register" button on our App, the user can enter the following Data: • name and surname; • email address; • password chosen to complete the registration.
      Companies or other entities are not allowed to scout or search the database.
      The company can only contact the user if they have previously submitted their application. The user cannot be contacted without their expressed interest based on their characteristics (educational background) or indicated preferences/skills.
      Legal basis for processing: the fulfillment of our pre-contractual and contractual obligations for the provision of services to the user.
    2. Online experiences
      Online experiences are webinars organized by client companies in collaboration with us to talk about the work environment, specific professional roles, or the technologies and programs used every day in the company. The user registers through the platform and the live event takes place on Zoom. The company receives the user’s name, surname, and study address, and at the end of the event, the user’s action (live participant, registered only, streaming view after the event). The company has no way of contacting users who have registered for the webinar. At the end of the event, a thank-you email is sent to those who participated, with any links that refer to the company’s job offers.
      Legal basis for processing: the fulfillment of our contractual obligations for the provision of services to the user to ensure participation in the webinar organized by companies collaborating with us.
    3. Responding to user questions and fulfilling user requests To respond to requests and questions regarding our services that the user submits using the contact information provided on the App.
      Legal basis for processing: properly and promptly managing user requests and ensuring the service offered by the Controller.
    4. Ensuring the technical functioning of the App We collect and use the user’s Personal Data to technically administer the App and ensure that it functions correctly. We may use the personal information provided by the user to respond to reports or complaints regarding the proper functioning of our systems.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interests in ensuring the correct technical/computer functioning of the App.
    5. Profiling activities With specific consent from the user, provided through the voluntary setting of filters to indicate preferences for job offers, the Data may be used for profiling operations aimed at creating marketing messages and/or personalized service offers based on the user’s preferences. Profiling may also be based on Personal Data collected through cookies, as explained in the cookie policy.
      Legal basis for processing: the explicit prior consent of the user.
    6. Marketing communications
      Following the completion of a specific form on the App by the user, we may send or have our IT service providers send our marketing communications to the user via email.
      Legal basis for processing: the explicit prior consent of the user. Please note that the user always has the option to refuse to receive direct marketing communications, including those for which they have already given their consent, simply by unsubscribing from the newsletters or notifying us via email. If the user has already used Joinrs’s services, we may contact them via email to inform them about similar services and keep them updated on the latest news.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interest in promoting the activities and services of the Company directly to our customers. The user has the option to object to this specific direct marketing processing at any time by sending an email or unsubscribing from the service via the link at the bottom of our newsletters.
    7. Informing the user about changes to the terms and conditions of use of the App and providing this Privacy Policy
      To send information about changes to the terms and conditions of use of the App and provide this Privacy Policy.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interest in informing the user well in advance of the entry into force of such changes.
    8. Compliance with legal obligations
      To comply with our legal obligations, orders from government authorities, which may also include measures from government authorities outside your country of residence, when we are required to make such communications and when the disclosure of the user’s Personal Data is strictly necessary to comply with the aforementioned legal obligations or government orders.
      Legal basis for processing: compliance with our legal obligations.
    9. Data analysis to improve the App
      We collect certain information to perform analyses that allow us to improve our services and our App. Such Data is used in an aggregated form and only for statistical purposes.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interest in improving our offer and making the user experience more immediate and user-friendly.
    10. Preventing fraud and abuse
      We will use information about fraudulent or criminal activity related to the use of our services for the purpose of detecting and preventing fraud or abuse.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interests in protecting our organization from fraudulent activity.
    11. Legal protection of our interests
      To enforce our contractual terms and conditions in accordance with the law, protect our business operations, protect our rights, privacy, security, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, and enable us to pursue available legal remedies or limit any damages to us.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interests in protecting our organization in accordance with the law.

    If the user browses our website, Personal Data is processed for:
    1. Allowing the user to join the Community
      We may process the user’s Data to allow them to register on our Site by completing the "Become a new joinrs" section. By clicking on the "Register" button on our Site, the user can enter the following information: • area of study; • university; • where they live. After providing this information, the user will need to provide the following Data to complete the registration process: • name and surname; • email address; • password chosen to complete the registration.
      Legal basis for processing: the fulfillment of our pre-contractual and contractual obligations for the provision of services to the user.
    2. Allowing the Recruiter to create a personal profile
      To allow recruiters to create a profile on which they can present job offers to users.
      Legal basis for processing: the fulfillment of our pre-contractual and contractual obligations for the provision of services to recruiters who register on our Site.
    3. Online experiences
      Online experiences are webinars organized by client companies in collaboration with us to talk about the work environment, specific professional roles, or the technologies and programs used every day in the company. The user registers through the platform and the live event takes place on Zoom. The company receives the user’s name, surname, and study address, and at the end of the event, the user’s action (live participant, registered only, streaming view after the event). The company has no way of contacting users who have registered for the webinar. At the end of the event, a thank-you email is sent to those who participated, with any links that refer to the company’s job offers.
      Legal basis for processing: the fulfillment of our contractual obligations for the provision of services to the user to ensure participation in the webinar organized by companies collaborating with us.
    4. Responding to user questions and fulfilling user requests
      To respond to requests and questions regarding our services that the user submits using the contact information provided on the Site or by completing the assistance request form on the Site.
      Legal basis for processing: properly and promptly managing user requests and ensuring the service offered by the Controller.
    5. Ensuring the technical functioning of the Site
      We collect and use the user’s Personal Data to technically administer the Site and ensure that it functions correctly. We may use the personal information provided by the user to respond to reports or complaints regarding the proper functioning of our systems.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interests in ensuring the correct technical/computer functioning of the Site.
    6. Profiling activities
      With specific consent from the user, provided through the voluntary setting of filters to indicate preferences for job offers, the Data may be used for profiling operations aimed at creating marketing messages and/or personalized service offers based on the user’s preferences. Profiling may also be based on Personal Data collected through cookies, as explained in the cookie policy.
      Legal basis for processing: the explicit prior consent of the user.
    7. Marketing communications
      Following the completion of a specific form by the user, we may send or have our IT service providers send our marketing communications to the user via email.
      Legal basis for processing: the explicit prior consent of the user. Please note that the user always has the option to refuse to receive direct marketing communications, including those for which they have already given their consent, simply by unsubscribing from the newsletters or notifying us via email. If the user has already used Joinrs’s services, we may contact them via email to inform them about similar services and keep them updated on the latest news.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interest in promoting the activities and services of the Company directly to our customers. The user has the option to object to this specific direct marketing processing at any time by sending an email or unsubscribing from the service via the link at the bottom of our newsletters.
    8. Informing the user about changes to the terms and conditions of use of the Site and providing this Privacy Policy
      To send information about changes to the terms and conditions of use of the Site and provide this Privacy Policy.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interest in informing the user well in advance of the entry into force of such changes.
    9. Compliance with legal obligations
      To comply with our legal obligations, orders from government authorities, which may also include measures from government authorities outside your country of residence, when we are required to make such communications and when the disclosure of the user’s Personal Data is strictly necessary to comply with the aforementioned legal obligations or government orders.
      Legal basis for processing: compliance with our legal obligations.
    10. Data analysis to improve the Site
      We collect the user’s Personal Data to perform analyses that allow us to improve our services and our Site.
      Legal basis for processing: by remaining on and navigating our Site, the user allows us to improve our offer and make their experience more immediate and user-friendly.
    11. Preventing fraud and abuse
      We will use information about fraudulent or criminal activity related to the use of our services for the purpose of detecting and preventing fraud or abuse.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interests in protecting our organization from fraudulent activity.
    12. Legal protection of our interests
      To enforce our contractual terms and conditions in accordance with the law, protect our business operations, protect our rights, privacy, security, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, and enable us to pursue available legal remedies or limit any damages to us.
      Legal basis for processing: our legitimate interests in protecting our organization in accordance with the law.
  6. To whom are the user’s Personal Data communicated?
    The user’s Personal Data may be shared, for the purposes mentioned above, with:
    1. subjects who typically act as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the Regulation, i.e.: i) individuals, companies, or professional firms that provide assistance and consultancy services to Joinrs in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial, and debt collection matters relating to the provision of Services; ii) subjects with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of services (e.g. hosting providers, platforms, and companies through which it is possible to access with one’s own account); iii) or subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communication networks); (collectively "Recipients"); the list of data processors who process data can be requested from the Controller or the DPO by writing to the following addresses:
    2. subjects, entities, or authorities, autonomous data controllers, to whom it is mandatory to communicate Personal Data pursuant to legal provisions or orders from authorities;
    3. recruitment companies that collaborate with Joinrs or that use the Site to post job offers;
    4. persons authorized by Joinrs to process Personal Data pursuant to art. 29 of the Regulation, necessary to perform activities strictly related to the provision of Services, who have committed themselves to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. Joinrs employees).
    5. The Data may be accessible to other companies and temporary employment agencies that use Joinrs to receive resumes and spontaneous applications. By applying to a job offer within Joinrs, providing contact information to show interest in a job offer, responding to a message from an employer, you consent to the disclosure of your information to that employer and/or the referring temporary employment agency and to be contacted by that employer and that temporary employment agency for employment-related purposes.
  7. What are the user’s rights regarding the processing of Personal Data, and how can they be exercised? Individuals whose Personal Data is being processed have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not the same Data exists and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy, or request its integration, updating, or correction (Articles 15 and 16 of the Regulation), specifically:
    • Right of access. The right to access personal information concerning the user along with some related information;
    • Right to Data portability. The right to receive personal information in a common format and to have it transferred to another data controller;
    • Right to rectification. The right to obtain the rectification of Personal Data without undue delay if the Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete;
    In accordance with Articles 17, 18, and 21 of the Regulation, individuals have the right to request the erasure, restriction of processing, anonymization, or blocking of Data processed unlawfully, as well as to object, for legitimate reasons, to their processing, specifically:
    • Right to erasure. The right to obtain the erasure of their Personal Data without undue delay in certain circumstances, such as when the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed;
    • Right to restriction of processing. The right to obtain, in specific circumstances identified by applicable law, a restriction of the processing of their Data for a certain period of time, for example, when contesting the accuracy of the Personal Data, for the time needed to verify its accuracy and correctness;
    • Right to object. The right to object, for reasons relating to their particular situation, to the processing of Personal Data, and to object to the processing of Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
    The data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time, where this constitutes the legal basis for the processing of Personal Data. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. These rights can be exercised by contacting the Data Controller and/or the Data Protection Officer at the following addresses: • email: • Mailing address: Via Marsala 29H, Rome - 00185.
  8. How long do we retain Personal Data?
    We intend to retain the user’s Personal Data for as long as the data subject has not requested its erasure. The Data Controller undertakes, in accordance with the terms of service indicated on our Website and App, to keep the Data entered by the user and make it available to the user for processing through the tools offered by our services.
  9. What transfers can we make?
    In the context of the aforementioned processing activities, we may communicate information and Personal Data to recipients located outside the territory of the European Union (particularly in the US). In the event of the transfer of Data outside the European territory, we ensure from now on that the transmission will take place in compliance with applicable legal provisions by entering into, if necessary, agreements that guarantee an adequate level of protection and/or by adopting the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.
  10. How do we protect the user’s Personal Data?
    Information security is very important to the Data Controller, and we have implemented safeguard measures to preserve the integrity and security of the information we collect and share with our Website and App providers. However, no security system is impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee the security of our systems 100%. In the event that any information under our control is compromised due to a security breach, we will take reasonable measures to investigate the situation and, if necessary, notify individuals whose information may have been compromised and take other measures in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  11. Service cancellation
    To no longer receive commercial and promotional information from Joinrs, the user can send an email to the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in this notice or unsubscribe from our newsletter by clicking the link at the bottom of our marketing emails.
  12. Applicable law
    This Privacy Policy is governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with provisions and any other mandatory regulations applicable in the European Union.
  13. Complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority
    The data subject has the possibility to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority, which can be contacted through the website


1: Introduction

The Cookie Policy of Joinrs, a brand owned by Joinrs S.r.l., ("Cookie Policy") describes the different types of cookies that are used in relation to the Company’s website ("Site") and app ("App").

Joinrs S.r.l. ("Joinrs" or "Company") is the data controller ("Controller") described in this Cookie Policy and determines the purposes and means in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"). The Company has appointed a Data Protection Officer ("DPO" or "RPD") who can be contacted at the address

2: What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient.

Cookies allow us to store small amounts of information on the user’s computer or mobile application regarding the visits made to our Site.

a. Types of cookies

There are different types of cookies based on who installs them on the user’s device. Cookies can be installed by the same publisher of the Site and App that the user is visiting ("first-party cookies"), or by a third party that installs cookies through the first site ("third-party cookies").

Cookies are also distinguished based on their purpose. In particular:

Technical/functional cookies. They can be session cookies (e.g. those that are automatically deleted when a user closes the browser) or persistent cookies that are used to remember information used between two separate accesses. These cookies are used exclusively to allow the user to navigate or to provide a service requested by the user. They remember the information that the user provides during navigation on the pages of the Site and App. They include, for example, cookies that allow the user to make a purchase, those that allow authentication in reserved areas, or those that store the language and nationality selected by the user when visiting the Site or using the App.

Analytical/performance/statistical cookies. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and see how they move around our Site or use the App. This helps us improve the functioning of our Site and App.

Profiling and marketing cookies. They can come from Us or from third parties and are used to analyze the interests and habits of individual users in order to personalize their navigation and provide targeted content, including advertising.

3. Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies for various purposes. Necessary cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of the Site and App.

We may also collect information about the use of the Site and App by users anonymously, such as: pages visited, time spent, sources of incoming traffic, geographical origin, age, gender, and interests for marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent by third-party domains external to our systems.

We can personalize content and advertisements to provide social media functionality.

How do we use cookies?

We may store cookies on the user’s device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of our applications, Site, and App. For all other types of cookies, we need the user’s consent.

What types of cookies do we use?

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages.

At any time, the user can change the cookie settings in their browser to use all functions without restrictions when browsing our Site or using the App to access services. We invite users to read our Privacy Policy, which contains all the information about who we are, how we process Personal Data, and how the user can contact us.

Below, we indicate the types of cookies we use when the user browses our Site or uses our App to access services.

• Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies help contribute to the usability of the Site and App, enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to protected areas. The Site and App cannot function properly without these cookies.

• Preference cookies

Preference cookies allow us to remember information that affects how the Site and App behave or appear, such as the preferred language or the user’s location.

• Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies help us understand how visitors interact with us by collecting and transmitting information anonymously.

• Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies are used to track users who use our services. The aim is to display relevant and engaging ads for each individual user. The prior explicit consent of the data subject is required for activation.

• Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies allow us to better understand the tastes and preferences of our users. The prior explicit consent of the data subject is required for activation.

• Unclassified cookies

Unclassified cookies are cookies that are being classified, along with individual cookie providers.

Cookie settings and preferences.
The user can decide whether to accept cookies or not by using the settings in their browser. Disabling "third-party cookies" does not affect navigability in any way. Browsers allow different settings for "first-party" and "third-party" cookies.

For example, in Firefox, through the Tools->Options->Privacy menu, you can access a control panel where you can define whether to accept different types of cookies and proceed with their removal. Documentation on how to set cookie management rules for your browser is easily available online. Here are some addresses related to the main browsers:

Internet Explorer:

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Some of the icons used in the design were taken from: Iconify - Iconify SVG Framework Copyright © 2022 - Licensed under Apache 2.0 license and GPL 2.0 license.

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